OXPZero™️ Drug Formulation Platform Technology
OXPZero™️ is a versatile platform based on “layered double hydroxides” that can be applied to a range of anionic drugs including bioanions.
Enabling technology where there are stability, solubility, permeability or taste issues, that constrain drug delivery
Multiple benefits: tuneable drug release, taste masking, oral, nasal, intracellular delivery; gastric safety
Enabling multiple dosage forms, chewables, orally dispensable tablets and granules, liquid suspensions, nasal sprays
Proprietary technology underpinned by strong IP, c£10m of R&D investment to date
We have developed the OXPZero™️ technology platform, working with university partners, external CRO’s and CMO’s, and applied the technology to develop OXPZero™️ NSAIDs that have been demonstrated in the clinic.
We have established a broad IP portfolio through in-house development as well as in-licensing from university partners including Oxford University, University of Queensland and the London School of Pharmacy.
OXP Soft Chew Matrix
Unlike regular coated tablet or compression tablet technologies, OXPChew™ is a solid state suspension that produces ‘Soft Chews’ where an insoluble active ingredient is suspended in a semi-solid matrix.
The OXPChew™ technology provides for rapid dissolution profiles of active ingredients with superior organoleptic mouth feel and taste. The OXPChew™ technology is protected by a granted EU patent and extensive formulation and manufacturing know-how.
The manufacturing process is such that the active ingredients are uniformly and substantially distributed or dispersed over the matrix. The matrix primarily composed of soluble fibers dissolves quickly at stomach conditions, helps the ‘wetting’ of each individual particle, and releases them in conditions ideal for solubilisation.
The The OXPChew™ technology is used in our product Ellactiva® Calcium Chews resulting in significantly enhanced speed of dissolution and total dissolution of calcium relative to leading calcium supplements including tablets and chewable tablets.